People who make it happen

I have only ‘discovered’ Ian McGarry today, having seen his name many times in the credits of programmes and Eurovisions. To learn more about this man, I finally searched his name in curiosity, after digesting the credits of the 1997 Eurovision in The Point, where Ian’s name lingers over the final wide shot of Katrina and the Waves. I cannot believe he has only just departed in the past few days.

My sincere condolences to all his family and friends. His music direction style was solid, ‘classical’, and justly favoured the dynamism of a long-sequence jib-arm shot – using the innovation to its fullest potential.

It’s clear from video clips and comments here that he was a supremely talented and much-loved figure, who has left a significant contribution to Irish cultural life.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam

  • Graham Hickey