Dream Team – Chatel summers

Hi Ian,
It’s Steph Bream here 🙂 . I am not great with words. But one of the best memories I have is spending the summer in Chatel and Saas Fee as part of your family. Kirsty, Tam and I where like sisters that summer. I loved being away with you guys. Remember I bought a catsuit that was far too big!! It took me years to grow into it. Willie TB teased me that it was more appropriate for ski jumping!
I have such happy memories of walk up the mountains to see dinosaur foot prints. To this day I believe that experience was the first step towards my geology career!!
You where always lovely to me. Yourself and Jane always made me feel part of the family. I also remember that no one was faster than you in deep fresh powder. You’re tight wiggle S turns always tore up the mountain!
Sending my love and hugs!
Steph Bream

  • Stephanie Bream