Happiest of Memories

Happiest of Memories

Ever since Jane and Ian and Garry and I found each other in the Alpine village of Chatel in 1986 our lives have remained intertwined. The McGarry family and the Haywood family have shared many, many happy times in the French Alps over the years since. We have each been to the other’s homes in Chatel for Christmas Brunch for many years, more years than I can remember. In recent years Ian and Jane have been the generous hosts of the most lavish Christmas Brunches at La Corniche and we have looked forward so much to these warm and mellow afternoons together with fabulous food and great company and great laughs.

We have also shared many a New Year’s Eve together at some of the finest hotels and restaurants in Chatel and Chapelle d’Abondance and at our own chalet, Chalet Iris, since the early days when Jane and Ian kindly invited us to join them at the New Year’s Eve parties they held at Chalet Chataigne when they were running their very successful ski business. We have watched each other’s children grow into fabulous adults and shared in all their wondrous achievements with pleasure and pride.

These special days and nights together, with our sons and daughters beside us, at the close of each year and the beginning of the next have always been so pleasurable and profoundly happy. We will always hold the warmest memories of these times, and of Ian’s generous hospitality, good humour, kindness, and modesty.

Andrea Haywood

  • Happiest of Memories Happiest of Memories
  • Andrea Greenlees