TV Career

Then there’s all the Television with 2 Jacob’s Awards – two Eurovisions, plus work on a third and in the orchestra pit on a fourth. The tape of Ian’s talkback from the 1981 Eurovision was used as a training tool for directors at the BBC.

In several years Ian’s solo output was higher than any other producer or department except for News!

Ian produced and directed several  James Last shows and subsequently produced the recorded albums which earned Gold, and platinum discs (now where did I put those)?

There were National Song Contests, big Christmas musical extravaganzas with everyone from Tony Kenny in Lapland to Boyzone in studio, Eye on The Music series with Bill Whelan, Rose of Tralee (Ian was awarded the prestigious Golden Rose cuff links); My Ireland, Castlebar Song Contests, People of the Year,  Videofile with all the pop stars of the 80s presented by Marty Whelan; think Wham -George Michael, Phil Collins (I need to say more about Phil), Paul Young. We went to visit Gilbert O’Sullivan at his home in Wiltshire to ‘research’ his participation.

I have many memories myself of the ‘Me and My Music’ series from the National Stadium with Ralph McTell, Chris Rea, Christy Moore; and of Specials with the incredible tenor Frank Patterson – close friend, godfather to Kirsty,  and sadly no longer with us- Sandy Kelly, Daniel O’Donnell, both with the most amazing guests including Johnny Cash, many were recorded in the US and transmitted coast to coast on PBS, for whom he also recorded a live amphitheatre performance in Pompéi of Italian tenors Il Volo. Kathleen Watkins series Faces and Places about the Irish at home and abroad, Tops of The Towns were covered annually from the quarter finals around the country to the glittering Dublin Grand Finale.. such wonderful times as Ian who produced and directed, always took the family. Foster & Allen specials thanks to Donie Cassidy & latterly Kieran Cavanagh.

Siamse Cois Lee, thanks to Oliver Barry, who has been a huge support and close friend to Ian – and is godfather to Kirsty- drew international artists such as John Denver (who became a personal friend) & Leo Sayer. There was also the award of the freedom of Cork City, very fitting since Oliver is a Corkonian and it turns out I have DNA from there too!

Let’s not forget another unique project in late 1998 when Ian directed and produced, for worldwide web diffusion, the coverage of new Opera at Wexford of Il Bravo.

Co-deviser of Winning Streak and Telly Bingo (our company Hype Productions still produces TB with our dedicated crew).

Ian directed many seasons of Fair City, the Proms, Crime Call etc etc I’m sure I’ve missed loads and it’s up to you to remind us!


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Simply Frantastic

Fran O'Toole solo on Me and My Music recorded in June 1975. Programme produced by Ian McGarry. I was honoured that Ian attended my slideshow and the aforementioned tv show ...

Smiling faces in Annexe 3

From New York City, where I have lived for the last thirty years, I am so sorry to learn of Ian's passing. As many others have said, he was not ...

Eurovision 1981

Oh how sad to hear this. I still remember the day he rang me in the Radio Centre in 1981 & asked me to drop over to his office (in ...

People who make it happen

I have only 'discovered' Ian McGarry today, having seen his name many times in the credits of programmes and Eurovisions. To learn more about this man, I finally searched his ...

How Did That Happen !

The passing of Ian this week in July 2023 really got me thinking and reliving great days of fun, laughter and hard work. I never could understand how Ian could ...

A bank of Vision Mixers, yes we have our own collective noun!

Ian, thought you’d like to see this picture of some of your Vision Mixing colleagues. The photo was taken by Charles Byrne at Paul Fitzgerald’s leaving do ...

The wall street mobile phone

I first worked with Ian in the 1980's. I was new to RTÉ and Ian was very encouraging. He was always very interested in the technological developments in the industry ...

A voice (non-singing) from the past and the RTE Guide

Hi Ian, I'd just like to add my good wishes to you along with everybody else. Our connection is that I worked in the RTE Guide from 1978 to 1983 ...

Ian is Number One

Caption - The production team behind the RTÉ Television/Frontier Films pop quiz 'Number One', on set in August 1988. From left to right; Dave Fanning (team captain), Gerald Heffernan of ...

I stole your VHS machine and the band was out of tune.

Dear Ian, You never knew this but you were my guide when I first attempted to direct for television. I'd come from theatre and radio and quickly realised that I ...

The coolest dude!

Hi Ian, A very belated thank-you for getting me into RTE - you were on the interview panel when I applied for the Radio Producer job back in the '80s ...

Fun, Education, Travel with Ian of course

Ian, This really got me thinking and reliving great days of fun a laughter and hard work. I never could understand how Ian could remain so calm when there were ...


Worked with Ian on the Starcodes Project for RTE with Barry Devlin. Some videos were filmed in RTE in 1983 and I was on drums for a few of them ...


Ian We go back a long way. We first went to Germany for the Gold Star Award competition in 1986 but it was when you started to direct our many ...

Proud to have been his PA!

Jane and family, I am so sorry to hear the sad news that Ian is unwell. I have so many good memories of working with him in Light Entertainment - ...

Ian calling the shots

Preparations for Eurovision 1981 Copyright - RTE Archives ...

Criminal minds

Some years ago I had the pleasure to meet you whilst 'working' on Crimecall. Unlike you, I wasn't a TV professional and found the whole live TV thing somewhat intimidating ...

TellyBingo RTE

Please pass on my regards to Ian, who I had the pleasure of working with for the last number of years on TellyBingo in RTE. What an amazing man, with ...


I had no idea. I’m sorry to hear this news. Please say hello to Ian from Jamie at PBS and all the wonderful Daniel ODonnell shows he so beautifully orchestrated ...

Fellow Producer

I was a fellow producer with Ian in RTÉ. Our professional paths did not cross very often, but I always found Ian to be a friendly, curious and friendly colleague ...

Telly Bingo

Oh God, I didn’t know. Ian was always such a gentleman when I worked in RTE. We did many MANY Telly bingos together between maybe 2011 and 2019 (I could ...

SUPERB Sportsman & TERRIFIC Producer

Jesus Mary and Josef Jane .. I am knocked to the floor here reading this saddest of posts. It does'nt seem just .or possible that a SUPERB sportsman and a ...

Keep the Faith!

It is with great sadness that i read your txt about Ian, i have knowen him from the late 60's when i joined Eamon Andrews studios in Henry St as ...

Talented Man

Ian will know me as Diane Bliss from PBS. From the very first Daniel O’Donnell show we shot in Killarney and over a dozen later Ian was always one of ...

”I do the pictures”

I am heartbroken to read this Jane. And a bit in shock. Whenever we saw on the script Ian down as director we exhaled with relief. I remember asking Ian ...

”date night”

Had many a laugh with Ian on Fair City (Ian directing and me vision mixing) Every week I’d ask where he was taking you Jane on “date night”! ...

Entertainment Dept.

So sorry to hear this Jane I was always very fond of Ian and worked with him a lot in the entertainment department. Sadly I have no photos only fond ...

The first person I knew to own a mobile!

So sad to hear this news Jane. Ian was one of the first Producers I worked with in RTÉ and he was always a great man for the new technology ...

Worked with Ian as a sound recordist

Dear Jane I am so sorry to hear that Ian is not well and our hearts and thoughts are with you both! My wife Marie-Hélène was very sad to hear ...


It was always good news to hear that Ian would be directing Fair City on our Thursday schedule, not only because he was such a gent to work with , ...

RTBF in Dublin 1988

On the 30th. April 1988, RTBF from Belgium hosted their main evening news, 6 to 7pm, Live from Dublin, ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest from the RDS. We at ...

Throwing light on shared memories

Hi Ian, This is such a rewarding thing to do, recalling some of the numerous shows we’ve worked on together over the years. When I joined RTE in 1976 for ...

Kenpo in Common

Hi Ian All those years we worked in RTE together, I did not know till recently, (Jane mentioned it) that you practised Kenpo Karate to a high level. The u ...

IMG the Gentleman!

From as young as I can remember, Ian has always been the kindest man to me and my family. I am forever thankful to him for his love and support ...

Ian as TV Director

As Producer/Director, Ian brought the annual RTE televised broadcast of the Castlebar International Song Contest to the very top of the TAM ratings... vying one year for top place with ...